2022-2023 Update: Publications and More!
As we close out 2022, we would like to take the time to recognize the achievements made thus far. Nineteen publications have been authored by our research group. A summary of these works are listed below:
Khan, Muzammil, Wachiranon Chuenchart, K. C. Surendra, and Samir Kumar Khanal. "Applications of artificial intelligence in anaerobic co-digestion: Recent advances and prospects." Bioresource Technology (2022): 128501. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2022.128501
A comprehensive review on artificial intelligence applications in anaerobic co-digestion.

Marcelino, Kyle Rafael, Li Ling, Sumeth Wongkiew, Hua Thai Nhan, K. C. Surendra, Ty Shitanaka, Hui Lu, and Samir Kumar Khanal. "Nanobubble technology applications in environmental and agricultural systems: Opportunities and challenges." Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology (2022): 1-26. https://doi.org/10.1080/10643389.2022.2136931
A critical review on nanobubble technology

Ultrafine Bubble Conference!
On December 21, 2022, our ultrafine bubble group presented at the 18th International Symposium of Fine Bubble Technology! Dr. Khanal presented about ultrafine bubble technology in aquaponics, Ty presented about the use of ultrafine bubbles in production of microbial biomass, and Lisa presented about generation and physicochemical characteristics of ultrafine bubbles.

New joining!
This year, two new graduate students, Muzammil Khan and Shreeja Lopchan Lama, have joined our group.

Furthermore, congratulations to Kyle Marcelino on a successful defense of his thesis. He is now pursuing his PhD from our group.
